
How to maintain your ground healthy in all seasons

By Playspots Oct 30, 2018

The sports field should be well maintained irrespective of the season you are in. Therefore, whether a Football pitch or your clubs cricket ground, it is important to know the all season artificial field maintenance tips. As you know, the artificial grass demands less maintenance compared to the natural grass fields. However, this does not mean you should not take good care of the artificial sports field throughout the season. In this article, we review some of the tips you need to have at your fingertips when it comes to taking care of the artificial grass in all seasons. However, the grass doesn’t have to be greener on the other side- Here are some tips to maintain green grass in all seasons.

white metal fence on green grass field during daytime

Keep your turf aerated

As the earth burns, its structure tightens, making it difficult for oxygen and moisture to reach the grassroots. Keeping the grass aerated could reduce water consumption by up to 50 percent. Stomping football boots will help with aeration, but their studs will only reach so far below the surface. In addition, you’ll need to aerate the soil using a pitchfork, or special long spike boots.

Keep the turfs clean

When it comes to taking care of your sports field, cleaning it is one of the basic approaches. Of course, being a low maintenance landscaping approach, cleaning the sports turf might mean just dusting it off. This is through the use of a garden hose and raking the leaves that fall off especially in summer. It is always a good idea to do this at least once a week for the busy sports turf and at least twice a month when it is less busy.

Keep the turfs groomed no matter the season

If the artificial field is busier especially during the seasons when you have snow, you will notice that the synthetic field flattens out a bit since the last time you gave it some grooming. Just like the natural grass, the blades do flatten out a bit in the sports getting more traffic. Mow the grass on the higher end of the blade, so the grass is 3.5 to 4 inches. That way the soil will take longer to dry out.

De-weed the turf often

Mostly, weeds aren’t an issue when it comes to synthetic grass. This is actually the reason why many people want to have synthetic fields. However, it is possible having the weeds grow around the edges of the lawn. Keep checking for these weeds and remove them.

Add coolness to turfs

If the synthetic field is not in use for a prolonged period of time, adding a shade is a great maintenance tip. Adding a shade to it is an important maintenance step

Spread Mulch

Instead of throwing grass cuttings into the compost, distribute them back on your lawn. The mulch provides an extra source of organic nutrients that will slow down water evaporation

If all else fails, a bucket of green paint might just do the trick.

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