
Why physical health is more important during pandemic? Why should people use online platforms?

By Playspots Sep 23, 2021

2020 marked a serious alteration to the lives of people enormously in the form of a pandemic. It created an upset in the normality of everybody forcing the people to social distancing and self isolation. Due to self quarantine and lack of physical movement, population is too weak to survive. Workout from home became the only possibility since the precaution related to pandemic restricted sports activities also.

Apart from the mental depression aided by pandemic, gradually a physically weaker population is getting ready to create future race. Only way to take the mind and body back to pace is to follow regular physical exercise. Exercises need to be maintained as it also reduces  mental health issues like depression and also boosts immunity which is inevitable during Covid-19.

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Physical inactivity due to current pandemic restrictions is a major public health issue that is a prominent risk factor for decreased life expectancy and many physical health problems. Exercise is shown to keep other physical functions intact and supports other systems that are important in fighting any known or unknown threat to our body. Researchers suggests that regular exercise might significantly reduce the risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome, which is one of the main causes of death in COVID-19 patients. Depending upon the pre-existing medical conditions and age, people are advised to do any kind of physical activities for atleast 30 minutes a day to stay healthy, productive and positive.

Why people go behind online platforms??

People are now forced to isolate themselves for the betterment of health. There arised the demand of online platforms to enter into the lives of common people. Today everybody find themselves convenient in using online platforms for their daily needs. The culture of work from home created an online fever in the minds of people.

If customers are getting enough assistance through online, question arises that why should they go behind offline methods. Online platforms are not only convenient but they are also less expensive. Plenty of offers and discounts are provided by almost every seller to increase the engaging. For the initial purchase almost every retailer provides a discount which the customers are attracted to. They enables digital trade across the globe ensuring customer choice, convenience and efficiency.

Thus online platforms are taking on an inevitable role in helping citizens transition to the new reality of living in a pandemic, and in enabling them to navigate their daily lives with as much normality as possible despite recurrent lockdowns.